MaintenanceCleaning the filter
Check that dust or dirt does not adhere to
the IR/Low Pass Filter by holding the cam-
era and light shines on the filter.
*Dust and dirt is more conspicuous when light is
shined on the filter.
Carefully remove all dust with a lens blower
that is available on the open market.
*When using a blower, make sure the tip does not
come into contact with the surface of the filter.
*Use a lens blower that is not equipped with a
brush. The use of a blower with a brush may re-
sult in the surface of the filter being scratched.
Mamiya ZD Back maintenance/checks
•Always place the lens selector lever in the L when this unit is not going be
•Remove the lithium ion battery and store it in a well ventilated place when
this unit is not going to be used for an extended period.
•Never try to dismantle or modify the camera in any way.
•The connections could become loose or corroded if they are damaged or
become dirty.
•Use this unit carefully to avoid dropping or banging against other items.
•Use a damp cloth that has been soaked in water and then wrung to clean the
camera if it has been exposed to salty air.
•This unit may be damaged if used/stored in areas where chemical gasses
are present.
•Wipe with a soft, dry cloth when cleaning. Do not use solvents, etc. The
product can cause discoloration.
•Before using this unit after it has been in storage for an extended period, it is
important that either you or your nearest customer service center carry out a
few simple checks to make sure this unit is operating correctly.
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