Our philosophy
Music is part of our everyday lives. Even in today’s changing world where audio meets vision, music is still the defining ingredient. It brings
emotion to vision and puts the passion into our experiences. For us, the realistic reproduction of music is the essential premise.
We know that true hi-fi is about being able to reproduce the magic of a performance – about experiencing music just as the artist intended, even
in the cinema. It is music that delivers the ecstasy and agony of a film’s story. To Marantz, perfect specifications and technical accomplishment count
for nothing unless a product can unlock the power, the excitement and the emotion of music.
Our heritage of technical excellence means we can create components with the ability to communicate the scale, timbre, pitch and dynamics, in
fact, the very essence of a recording.
Music is enchanting, and we strive to ensure that the carrier of the music looks and feels as good as it sounds. Every component produced is
technically and cosmetically designed to complement the lifestyle of the listener. We pride ourselves on applying these principles to all of our
products. Each and every one of our home entertainment components is capable of reproducing the purest, most realistic music in your home.
Because music matters
Our quality guarantee
Among the many components that contribute to overall sound quality, Marantz also focus on making amplifiers
that really deliver on their rated power figures – many other manufacturers don’t do this. The effect of using high
quality power supplies across the range (not just the expensive models) is that each and every Marantz AV
Receiver is capable of generating almost as much power when driving multiple amplifiers as it does in 2-channel stereo mode.
Marantz call this Guaranteed Multi-Channel Power. In fact Marantz even give a formal guarantee – the Full Channel Drive with (at least) 70% Power
on tap – a type of guarantee rarely given in this industry. It means that the surround receiver will deliver a minimum of 70% of its rated power when
all amplifiers are run. This compares with 50% or less for many non-Marantz surround receivers.
Marantz Digital Surround Receivers are designed to deliver the frequency response and sonic performance demanded by high-resolution sources
like Super Audio CD and DVD-Audio. The extended dynamic range, with improved transparency, separation and imaging, creates a natural sound-
stage. High quality amplifiers for each of the 7 channels ensure superb low-impedance driving capability with comprehensive dynamic reserve. The
result is consistently powerful delivery during even the loudest, most dynamic passages of the music or movie soundtrack.
The stability of Marantz amplification and the resulting superior sound is attested to by test-winning Awards and rave reviews from around the world
Our awards
Marantz consistently receives major audio and video awards from around the world, a testament to the
Marantz obsession with sound quality. This year alone, we have received four major awards for our audio
components, including two for our AV Receivers, the SR-9600 and SR-4001.
A selection of previous awards feature on the back cover of this catalogue
Our heritage
The World of Home Entertainment would never be the same
More than any other person, Saul Marantz defined premium home entertainment. Driven by his passion for music and
his accomplishments as a classical guitarist – accomplishments that led to a close friendship with Andres Segovia – he
was never satisfied with the ‘hi fi’ equipment of his day. So he built better; first in his basement, later in a factory. His
talent for industrial design and his ability to infuse talented engineers like Sidney Smith and others with his vision
resulted in legendary products. The Model 7 preamplifier. The Model 8 and, soon after, the 8B power amplifier. And
insured that his company would remain a premiere name in the industry he helped establish
New Models expand musical horizons for many
The Model 9 ‘monoblock’ power amplifier found a home in many audiophile systems. And NASA decided that a
modified version called the 9120 was stable enough to merit use in tracking stations around the world as part of the
Apollo space program. The Model 10B FM tuner, cited by many as the most accurate and best sounding tuner of all
time, soon followed. The decade also saw two other significant Marantz moves; a physical one from New York to
California, and an electronic one from tubes to transistors
Laser Disc and CD Players are in demand.
In 1983, consumer digital audio became a reality in North America. And Marantz’s CD-63, the first publicly
announced CD player, led the way. This ground breaking development was soon followed by the appearance of the
CD-12, the world’s first two-piece CD player. Announcement of the CD-63, led the way. was there at the very beginning.
Marantz also becomes involved with video for the first time with the CDV-780 Laserdisc player
Honours its past with replicas of the original Model 7 and Model 9. Saul Marantz moves on to even higher fidelity
Marantz entered the ‘90s with the energy and dedication that came from restored corporate unity. We moved into
audio/video with the introduction of the SM-80, our first THX-certified amplifier in 1992 and the critically-acclaimed
SR-96 THX-certified receiver four years later. The ‘90s also saw the VP-8770, the first Marantz LCD video front
projector, and the PD-4280, the first of our much-praised plasma monitor series. Sadly, we – and the industry – lost
Saul Marantz
High Definition Digital Audio takes centre stage and the new Reference series relights the Marantz passion for excellence
The Super Audio CD came to life as the SA-1 SACD player and other new Reference Series components provided a
concrete example of Marantz’s continuing dedication to sonic superiority. On the AV front, an upgraded series of finely-
crafted surround sound receivers and DVD players exhibited engineering inspiration gained from decades of effort and
tradition. And, thanks to determined efforts to extract the most from contemporary technologies like DLP projection
and plasma monitors, Marantz’s video reputation grew almost as quickly as did its legendary audio prestige a half century
What’s next? Most certainly the promise of quality and excellence as only Marantz can deliver
The most successful Receiver line in Consumer Electronics history. Tens of thousands of customers revel in the sound
of Marantz
For almost a decade, the justifiably famous ‘2200’ receivers introduced uncounted thousands of sound-conscious people
to the vivid, enveloping, and musically accurate Marantz sound. And separate components weren’t forgotten either as
Marantz, benefiting from new financial backing and new production facilities in Japan, produced a growing roster of
preamplifiers, power amplifiers, integrated amps, tuners, turntables, and speakers. This was a decade of intense growth
and expansion, fuelled by imaginative product development and demanding quality standards.
Marantz quality goes unquestioned. In 1974, customer Francisco Espina writes Marantz detailing the survival of his
Marantz 2270 during a fire in the building he lives in. Out of curiosity he plugs his now crispy 2270 in and amazingly
it sounds perfect
Marantz SR- 4001 AV Receivers $1, 000-$ 2,000
Marantz SR- 9600 AV Receivers over $4,000