User Guide
Programming, 18
Buttons, 28
Help Lists, 22
input changes, 30
macro fundamentals, 43
source selection, 30
with a PC, 47
Protecting Your Work, 27
RRC5000 Setup 47
Internet, 48
RC5000i icon, 3
Recharging Contacts, 2
Recharging dock, 4
Reset Button, 2
Restore Deleted Device, 39
Restore Marantz Default, 57
Restoring, 41
The Revert Button, 14-15
Memory Management, 17
Using Revert, 57
right menu bar, 8
SScroll Arrows, 3, 10
in macros, 26
Scroll TV Inputs Command, 21
Selecting Source Macros 21
Sending Eye, 2
Serial Port, 2
Setup Panels, 13
Show/Hide Device, 14
Show/Hide Macro, 14
Source Switching, 30
Specifications, 56
Status Template, 37
Switch Modes, 17
Symbols, 54
TTabButtons, 11
buttons do not work, 49
Teaching, 18
Templates for Devices, 36, 57
Time, 13
Toggle Type Commands, 21
Touchscreen, 2
Backlight Level Setting, 14
Calibrating, 14
LCD Timeout, 13
Turning on the display, 6
Using touchscreen, 12
Troubleshooting, 49
Buttons are not sending, 49
Devices do not respond, 49
display is blank, 49
display is to dark, 49
display is too light, 49
input source changes, 50
low on memory, 50
Macros or Tab Style Jump
buttons, 49
RC5000i beeps, 49
The TV goes blank, 50
won’t edit, 50
won’t switch modes, 50
won't delete, 50
won't label, 50
Typing, 32
UUse Mode, 16
Use mode, 6
Switch Modes, 17
VVolume Buttons, 12
programming 31
WWriting, 32
ZZooming Keyboard, 33