Revision 1.8 Appendix A – NMEA 0183 Interfacing Page A1
SSC200 NMEA 0183 Transmitted Sentences
HDG – Heading, Deviation & Variation
The SSC200 indicates heading 10 times a second. The deviation field always contains zero as the
SSC200 reports it’s heading with the deviation included. The variation field will normally contain the null
character, however if the SSC200 receives either a valid RMC or VTG sentence, then the SSC200 will
fill the variation field appropriately.
Field A: Magnetic heading sensor including deviation in tenths of degrees
B: Deviation always reads 0.0 because it is included in field A
C: Although this field reads as “E”, it is meaningless as the deviation is always zero
D: Null unless receiving variation data form RMC or VTG sentence in which case variation data
E: Null unless receiving variation data from RMC or VTG sentence in which case E or W
depending on direction of variation
HDM – Heading, Magnetic
The SSC200 does not normally transmit this sentence because it is no longer recommended for new
designs by NMEA. However, this sentence can be enabled or turned on via a proprietary NMEA 0183
sentence (see $PMARSETP definition).
Field A: Magnetic heading sensor including deviation in tenths of degrees
B: This field always contains an “M” indicating magnetic heading
HDT – Heading, True
The SSC200 does not normally transmit this sentence. However, this sentence can be enabled or
turned on via a proprietary NMEA 0183 sentence (see $PMARSETP definition). The HDT sentence
works in collaboration with the reception of an RMC or VTG sentence to produce true heading.
Field A: Null unless receiving variation from RMC and VTG in which case magnetic heading including
deviation and variation in tenths of degrees
B: This field always contains a “T” indicating true magnetic heading
ROT – Rate of Turn
The SSC200 indicates the vessel’s rate of turn 5 times a second.
Field A: Rate of turn in degrees/minute where “-“ indicates the bow turning to port
B: This field indicates whether data is valid, an “A” indicates that the data is valid where a “V”
indicates invalid data
MAROUT – Maretron Proprietary Output Sentence
Since there is no standard NMEA 0183 sentence for indicating the vessel’s attitude (pitch and roll), the
SSC200 uses a proprietary sentence to indicate pitch and roll one time per second.
Field A: Always reads “ATT” to indicate following data is associated with the vessel’s attitude
B: Pitch angle in tenths of degrees, where “-“ indicates bow pitches downward
C: Roll angle in tenths of degrees, where “-“ indicates roll to the port