Heat Guns
Deluxe Varitemp Heat Gun
•Varitemp Heat Guns use a powerful motor driven blower and durable electric heating element to produce a reliable stream of heated air. Power ratings up to 1,000˚F /530˚C at 1740 watts (120V) with air flow at 23 CFM means jobs get done faster.
•Made in the USA, these heavy duty, industrial quality heat guns offer the handiest, safest way to get fast, variable temperature flameless heat needed for thou- sands of uses in the factory, laboratory or workshop.
•Two unique Varitemp Heat Gun stand types, along with an exclusive electronic temperature control, enable you to easily find the right operating position and temperature for the most effective results for your application.
•A broad range of optional attachments make the Varitemp ideal for a wide variety of heating, shrinking and drying applica- tions. The Varitemp Heat Gun Kit package combines storage, portability and popular attachments.