DS87C530/DS83C530 EPROM/ROM Microcontrollers with Real-Time Clock


A major component of power consumption in PMM is the crystal amplifier circuit. The DS87C530/DS83C530 allow the user to switch CPU operation to an internal ring oscillator and turn off the crystal amplifier. The CPU would then have a clock source of approximately 2MHz to 4MHz, divided by either 4, 64, or 1024. The ring is not accurate, so software cannot perform precision timing. However, this mode allows an additional saving of between 0.5mA and 6.0mA, depending on the actual crystal frequency. While this saving is of little use when running at 4 clocks per instruction cycle, it makes a major contribution when running in PMM1 or PMM2.


Software invokes the PMM by setting the appropriate bits in the SFR area. The basic choices are divider speed and clock source. There are three speeds (4, 64, and 1024) and two clock sources (crystal, ring). Both the decisions and the controls are separate. Software will typically select the clock speed first. Then, it will perform the switch to ring operation if desired. Lastly, software can disable the crystal amplifier if desired.

There are two ways of exiting PMM. Software can remove the condition by reversing the procedure that invoked PMM or hardware can (optionally) remove it. To resume operation at a divide-by-4 rate under software control, simply select 4 clocks per cycle, and then crystal-based operation if relevant. When disabling the crystal as the time base in favor of the ring oscillator, there are timing restrictions associated with restarting the crystal operation. Details are described below.

There are three registers containing bits that are concerned with PMM functions. They are Power Management Register (PMR; C4h), Status (STATUS; C5h), and External Interrupt Flag (EXIF; 91h)

Clock Divider

Software can select the instruction cycle rate by selecting bits CD1 (PMR.7) and CD0 (PMR.6) as follows:















4 clocks (default)






64 clocks






1024 clocks




The selection of instruction cycle rate will take effect after a delay of one instruction cycle. Note that the clock divider choice applies to all functions including timers. Since baud rates are altered, it will be difficult to conduct serial communication while in PMM. There are minor restrictions on accessing the clock selection bits. The processor must be running in a 4-clock state to select either 64 (PMM1) or 1024 (PMM2) clocks. This means software cannot go directly from PMM1 to PMM2 or visa versa. It must return to a 4-clock rate first.

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