medicalManual.RevD.qxd 9/9/04 4:18 PM Page 2
Manufacturer's Name: | Maxtec®, Inc. |
Manufacturer's Address: | Maxtec®, Inc. |
| 6526 South Cottonwood Street |
| Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 |
| USA |
European Representative: | Bio MS (Airox) |
| L'Echangeur, Parc d'activite |
| 64000 Pau, France |
Product: | Oxygen Analyzer |
Model(s): | MAXO2®+ A, MAXO2®+ AE |
Classification: | IIa |
Classification criteria: | Clause 3.2 Rule 10 of Annex IX of MDD |
We herewith declare that the above mentioned products meet the provisions of the following EC Council Directives and Standards. All supporting documents are retained under the premises of the manufactur- er and the notified body.
Directives: | General application directives: Medical Device Directive, |
| COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning |
| medical devices (MDD 93/42/EEC) |
Standards: | EN/IEC |
| IEC |
| EN 1041 |
| IEC 878 |
| EN 980 |
| ISO 7767; 1997 |
| EN |
Notified Body: | TUV Product Service |
EC Certificate No.: | G1 01 12 45041 001 |
Date CE mark was affixed: | June 21, 2004 |
Name: | Gordon R. Roth |
Position: | Manager, Quality System/ISO Representative |
| Maxtec®, Inc. |
| 6526 South Cottonwood Street |
| Salt Lake City, UT 84107 U.S.A. |
General Telephone: | |
Toll Free U.S.A.: | |
FAX: | |
Web Site: | www.maxtecinc.com |
info@maxtecinc.com |
This manual describes the function, operation and maintenance of the MAXO2® +
NOTE: In order to obtain optimum performance from your MAXO2®+ analyzer, all operation and maintenance must be performed in accordance with this manual. Please read the manual thoroughly before using the analyzer and do not attempt any repair or procedure that is not described herein. Maxtec® cannot warrant any damage resulting from misuse, unauthorized repair or improper maintenance of the instrument.
Thank You
Thank you for your purchase of a Maxtec® MAXO2® + oxygen analyzer. We appreci- ate the time and energy you invest in selecting the equipment best suited to your needs. In exchange, we are supplying you with a reliable,
Never install the sensor in a location that will expose the sensor to patient’s exhaled breath or secretions, unless you intend to dispose of the sensor, flow diverter and tee adapter.
CAUTION: Federal Law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
CAUTION: NOT for use with inhalation agents. Operating the device in flammable or explosive atmospheres may result in fire or explosion.
NOTE: Not for use in a MRI environment.
NOTE: Device specified for dry gas only.
NOTE: This product is latex free.
Never allow an excess length of tubing, lanyard or sensor cable near the patient’s head or neck, which may result in strangulation.
W W W. M A X T E C I N C . C O M