CENTER FREQUENCY: This knob allows you to select the frequency you want the MBC1 bass restoration circuit to maxximize.
FREQUENCY RANGE: This knob allows for you to adjust the range of frequencies from your center point. All the way to the left will include the maxximum frequencies to maxximize, while all the way to the right will enhance only a limited amount f frequencies near your CENTER FREQUENCY.
OUTPUT LEVEL CONTROL: This knob allows for you to control the amount of signal voltage you are sending through the RCA OUTPUTS to your amplifier(s). It is important to note that the MBC1 has a built in line driver capable of sending an ‘ultra clean’ 9 volts of signal output to your amplifier(s). Be sure to reference the end panel silk screening for GAIN/LEVEL CONTROL on your amplifier(s). Some amplifiers cannot handle the full 9 volts and going beyond the specified Input range on your amplifier(s) can be damaging.
GROUND ISOLATION: Occasionally alternator whine may appear in the system because the source unit and amplifier may use different grounds. To help in this situation, we have provided alternative grounding options. MAKE SURE THE SYSTEM IS OFF BEFORE SWITCHING
RCA INPUT: In most cases you will leave the selection switch in the BALANCED position. In some systems the source unit may look for a ground through the RCA connections. In this event you would switch the selection to UNBALANCED.
INPUT: RCA’s from source unit connect to this location.
OUTPUT: RCA’s from the MBC1 connect to the inputs of your amplifier(s).
REM / 12V / GND: