DependableCareI Performa L Washers: the enclosed lid switch is interchangable with the
lid switch used on those machines. Checking lid switch performance:
1.Ifthe switch functions, then you may need to adjust I bend the unbalance lever slightly backward.
2.Verify proper lid opening again.
If the switch shuts off the machine after the lid is o0ened more than
If the switch shuts off the machine when the lid is lower than 1/4". bend the unbalance
lever toward the front.
AUantis washers: In addition to the new lid switch, a change was also made to the length of
the plunger.
I.Verify proper lid opening again.
If the switch shuts off the machine after the lid is opened more than
If the switch shuts offthe machil_e when the lid is lower than 1/4", use the enclosed
plunger and check the items listed below.
Other items that could be interpreted as a problem related to the lid switch, are as follows:
Lid "oil canning" or chipped porcelain where the lid interfaces with the switch (or cam for Atlantis). The lid may need to be replaced.
Lid hinpes or hinge balls either not inserted into the lid properly or cracked. (Atlantis only) Hinge bushings mounted into the top may be cracked orworn.
(Atlantis only) Check the cam on the back flange of the lid to make sure it is not worn or broken.