UmieÊç grill raclette na Êrodku sto∏u.

Potnij mi´so na ma∏e kawa∏ki. Dzi´ki temu czas grillowania ulegnie skróceniu. Posiekaj mi´so i umieÊç na talerzu lub drewnianej deseczce. GoÊcie mogà wybraç ˝àdanà iloÊç mi´sa i grillowaç je na p∏ycie grzewczej.

Na patelenkach raclette mo˝na te˝ grillowaç tosty, sma˝yç jajka, piec ziemniaki i inne produkty.

Grillowane mi´so mo˝na podawaç z ro˝nego rodzaju sosami, sa∏atkami lub pieczywem.

Grill i patelenki nale˝y nat∏uÊciç przed u˝yciem.


Przed przystàpieniem do czyszczenia nale˝y od∏àczyç zasilanie urzàdzenia.

Urzàdzenia nie wolno zanurzaç w wodzie. Wszystkie powierzchnie mo˝na czyÊciç za pomocà czystej, wilgotnej szmatki.

Patelenki mo˝na myç w wodzie.

W przypadku trudnych do usuni´cia plam zaleca si´ u˝ycie detergentu.

Do czyszczenia grilla raclette nie stosowaç Êrodków zawierajàcych substancje Êcierne ani ostrych przedmiotów.

Wn´trze nale˝y czyÊciç za pomocà czystej, wilgotnej szmatki.


JeÊli urzàdzenie nie nadaje si´ ju˝ do dalszego u˝ytku, nale˝y je zutylizowaç w sposób najmniej szkodliwy dla Êrodowiska naturalnego. Nale˝y to zrobiç zgodnie z przepisami obowiàzujàcymi w danym kraju lub dostarczyç urzàdzenie do najbli˝szego punktu utylizacji odpadów.


JeÊli powy˝sze zalecenia nie by∏y przestrzegane.

JeÊli urzàdzenie by∏o eksploatowane niew∏aÊciwie, podczas jego obs∏ugi u˝ywano si∏y lub zosta∏o uszkodzone w inny sposób.

JeÊli uszkodzenie lub nieprawid∏owe dzia∏anie by∏o skutkiem niew∏aÊciwej dystrybucji.

JeÊli naprawy lub jakiekolwiek modyfikacje urzàdzenia zosta∏y dokonane przez osoby nieupowa˝nione.


Adexi Group

Importer nie ponosi odpowiedzialnoÊci za ewentualne b∏´dy w druku.


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Melissa 643-052 Grillowanie, Konserwacja I Czyszczenie, Ochrona Rodowiska, Gwarancja NIE Obejmuje NAST¢PUJÑCYCH Przypadków

643-052 specifications

Melissa 643-052 is a highly advanced model designed to cater to a variety of industry needs, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to deliver exceptional performance and efficiency. This model stands out for its versatility and innovative design, making it suitable for applications ranging from industrial manufacturing to smart home integration.

At the heart of Melissa 643-052 is its robust processing unit, which is capable of executing complex tasks with remarkable speed and accuracy. The deployment of the latest AI algorithms enables the system to learn from its environment, adjusting operations in real time based on user interactions and task requirements. This adaptability not only enhances the user experience but also improves overall productivity.

One of the key features of Melissa 643-052 is its seamless connectivity options. It supports a variety of communication protocols, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Zigbee, allowing it to integrate effortlessly with other devices in a smart ecosystem. This connectivity facilitates remote monitoring and control, empowering users to manage their devices from anywhere at any time.

The model is also equipped with state-of-the-art sensors that enable precise data collection and analysis. These sensors provide valuable insights into performance metrics, maintenance needs, and user behaviors, allowing for informed decision-making and proactive management. The data can be accessed through an intuitive user interface, adding an extra layer of convenience for operators.

Another significant characteristic of Melissa 643-052 is its energy efficiency. Designed with sustainability in mind, this model incorporates energy-saving technologies that help reduce operational costs while minimizing environmental impact. The smart power management system optimizes energy consumption, ensuring that resources are used judiciously.

In addition to its technical capabilities, Melissa 643-052 boasts a sleek and user-friendly design. The ergonomic layout and intuitive controls make it accessible to users of all skill levels, reducing the learning curve and encouraging widespread adoption.

In conclusion, Melissa 643-052 represents a significant advancement in its category, delivering a combination of performance, adaptability, and efficiency. Its integration of advanced technologies and user-centric design positions it as a leading choice for industries looking to enhance their operations and embrace a smarter future.