OSTRZE˚ENIE: Mikser nie powinien dzia∏aç bez przerwy d∏u˝ej ni˝ 10 minut. Zawsze nale˝y wy∏àczaç silnik i pozwalaç mu na ostygni´cie przed ponownym uruchomieniem urzàdzenia.


Monta˝ trzepaczek

Ustaw regulacj´ pr´dkoÊci na 1 (= wy∏.) Upewnij si´, ˝e przewód zasilajàcy nie jest w∏o˝ony do gniazdka. Mocuj po jednej trzepaczce/mieszadle, umieszczajàc koniec trzonka trzepaczki w otworze znajdujàcym si´ na spodzie miksera. PrzyciÊnij trzepaczk´ i obracaj jà delikatnie do momentu, kiedy us∏yszysz klikni´cie.


Aby uniknàç rozprysków, przed uruchomieniem urzàdzenia zanurz trzepaczki lub mieszad∏a w sk∏adnikach.

Zacznij miksowaç z niedu˝à pr´dkoÊcià. Zwi´kszaj pr´dkoÊç zgodnie z przepisem. Podczas miksowania mo˝na powoli dodawaç kolejne sk∏adniki.

W razie potrzeby wy∏àcz mikser. OczyÊç boki i dno miski plastikowà ∏opatkà.

Po zakoƒczeniu miksowania ustaw regulacj´ pr´dkoÊci na 1 (= wy∏.)

i zanim wyjmiesz mikser z miski, odczekaj, a˝ trzepaczki lub mieszad∏a przestanà si´ obracaç.

Je˝eli miska jest przepe∏niona, silnik podlega nadmiernemu obcià˝eniu. Ustawienia pr´dkoÊci opisano na koƒcu niniejszej instrukcji.


Pozycja 1 oznacza, ˝e mikser jest wy∏àczony.

Pozycje 2–5 oznaczajà ró˝ne pr´dkoÊci.

Pozycja 2 to najni˝sza, a pozycja 5 to najwy˝sza pr´dkoÊç.


Pr´dkoÊç Opis

2To dobra pr´dkoÊç

poczàtkowa przy sk∏adnikach w postaci masy lub przy sk∏adnikach suchych, takich jak màka, mas∏o i ziemniaki.

3Najlepsza pr´dkoÊç do mieszania p∏ynnych sk∏adników na sosy do sa∏atek.

4Do miksowania ciasta na ciasteczka, placki i szybkie wypieki.

5Do robienia kremu z

mas∏a i cukru, ubijania niegotowanej masy cukrowej, deserów.

Do ubijania ziemniaków, Êmietany. Do ubijania jajek, gotowanych lukrów, p∏ynnych mieszanek itp.


Wy∏àcz zasilanie i ustaw regulacj´ pr´dkoÊci na 0 (= wy∏.). Nadmiar rozpryskanych sk∏adników usuƒ plastikowà ∏opatkà. Chwyç za trzonki trzepaczek/mieszade∏ i naciÊnij przycisk zwalniajàcy na mikserze. Trzepaczki lub mieszad∏a odblokowujà si´, co u∏atwia ich zdj´cie.


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Melissa 646-042 manual Instrukcja OBS¸UGI

646-042 specifications

Melissa 646-042 is a cutting-edge telecommunications device designed to streamline and enhance communication for modern users. This device is part of a growing trend towards intelligent communication solutions that cater to both personal and professional needs. With its sleek design and advanced features, Melissa 646-042 stands out in a competitive market.

One of the main features of Melissa 646-042 is its robust connectivity options. It supports both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, allowing users to connect seamlessly to various networks and devices. This ensures that users can stay connected regardless of their location, making it ideal for both home and on-the-go use. The device also supports 5G technology, providing ultra-fast data speeds and low latency, which is crucial for applications that require real-time communication.

In terms of user interface, Melissa 646-042 is equipped with a high-resolution touchscreen that makes navigation intuitive and straightforward. The device’s operating system is user-friendly, with customizable settings that enable users to tailor their experience according to their preferences. Moreover, it supports voice commands, making it easy to operate hands-free, which is particularly beneficial for multitasking users.

Security is paramount in today's digital world, and Melissa 646-042 comes with advanced security features. It includes biometric authentication, such as fingerprint recognition, to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive information. Additionally, the device offers end-to-end encryption for calls and messages, protecting users from eavesdropping and ensuring the privacy of conversations.

Battery life is another critical aspect that sets Melissa 646-042 apart from its competitors. With a powerful battery that supports fast charging, users can enjoy extended usage without frequent interruptions. This feature is particularly advantageous for professionals who rely on their devices for constant communication during long workdays.

The device also integrates various applications to enhance productivity and collaboration. Features such as video conferencing, messaging, and project management tools are readily accessible, enabling users to work efficiently and stay connected with colleagues and clients.

Overall, Melissa 646-042 is designed to meet the evolving needs of users in a fast-paced digital landscape. With its combination of advanced connectivity, user-friendly interface, robust security measures, and long battery life, it represents a significant advancement in telecommunications technology. Whether for personal use or business applications, Melissa 646-042 provides an exceptional communication experience, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to enhance their connectivity.