Meridian 565 User Request

Please register your Version 4 565 with us. We can then send you a complete user manual when MPEG is released. You can register in the following ways:

Complete the details below and either mail or fax this sheet to Meridian Audio in the UK or Meridian America in Atlanta.

Register by email by sending the necessary information to

Your name ...........................................................................................................................

Mailing address ...................................................................................................................






565 Serial number ................................................................................................................

Dealer who supplied it .........................................................................................................






Meridian Audio Limited, Stonehill, Stukeley Meadows, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE18 6ED, England Tel: +44 1480 434334 Fax: +44 1480 432948 Web:

Meridian America Inc., 3800 Camp Creek Parkway, Building 2400, Suite 112, Atlanta GA 30331 Tel: +1 (404) 344-7111 Fax: +1 (404) 346-7111

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Meridian America user manual Meridian 565 User Request