Meridian 565 User Request
Please register your Version 4 565 with us. We can then send you a complete user manual when MPEG is released. You can register in the following ways:
∙Complete the details below and either mail or fax this sheet to Meridian Audio in the UK or Meridian America in Atlanta.
∙Register by email by sending the necessary information to
Your name ...........................................................................................................................
Mailing address ...................................................................................................................
565 Serial number ................................................................................................................
Dealer who supplied it .........................................................................................................
Meridian Audio Limited, Stonehill, Stukeley Meadows, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE18 6ED, England Tel: +44 1480 434334 Fax: +44 1480 432948 Web:
Meridian America Inc., 3800 Camp Creek Parkway, Building 2400, Suite 112, Atlanta GA 30331 Tel: +1 (404)