| This is by far the most powerful control in each of the three different Modes that are activated by the Mode switch. It | ||||||
| not only determines the overall gain amount, shape and sensitivity of the Mode selected...but it is also a |
| 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 |
| powerful Tone control. Generally speaking, whatever is dialed up here ultimately determines the Modes’ | ||
| 3 | personality. Set low, it allows cleaner and brighter sounds with enhanced dynamic response, | |||||
| 2 | |||
| 8 |
| 1 | ||||
| 9 |
| 0 |
| ||||
| 10 |
| especially in the higher frequencies. Set high, the whole personality of the Mode becomes darker, | |||
| ||||
| GAIN |
| |||||
| fatter and more overdriven. We worked hard to make sure that the entire range of Gain available is | ||||
| 8 | 7 | 6 |
| ||||
| 9 |
| usable in the ROCKET and more importantly, musical. Don’t think for a moment that this simple layout | |||||
| 5 | ||||
| 4 | |||
| 10 |
| |||||
| 0 |
| 3 | limits you in any way in regards to the amount and texture of Gain that is available. Long neurotic hours | |||
| 2 |
| ||||
| 1 |
| ||||
were spent to ensure that the ranges of Gain were stylistically accurate. It’s probably a good time to mention that most of the great sounds can be found in the ROCKET by setting the GAIN Control moderately, especially in the LEAD MODE. For example, somewhere between 2 through 6 . In the RHYTHM position, try setting this control somewhere between 3 through 8 . Use of moderation here will reduce the likelihood of pesky tube microphonic problems ever occurring, while at the same time making all three Modes easier to balance in volume and FX send strength.
| The individual MASTER Controls serve three purposes in the layout of the ROCKET. FIRST: They serve as | ||||||||
| level balancing controls for each of the two channels. This enables a wide range of front end |
| 5 | 4 | 3 |
| Gain settings to be matched to a given listening level and the level of the other Modes. | ||
| RHY | 6 |
| 2 |
| ||
| 1 |
| |||
| 7 |
| ||||
| 8 |
| 10 |
| 0 |
| ||
| 9 |
| SECOND: They act as Effect Send controls for each Mode in the Effects Loop. As with many of | ||
| ||
| MASTER | |||||||
| the controls on the ROCKET, the best results for balance and tone are usually found in the | ||||||||
| 5 |
| |||
| |
| 6 |
| 4 |
| medium range of this control. |
| 3 | ||||
| LEAD 8 |
| 2 | |||
| 7 |
| 9 |
| 0 | 1 |
| |
| 10 |
| |||
THIRD: The MASTER Control is the Record / Phones Send Level control. When using the direct RECORD / PHONES jack found on the Rear Panel to interface directly to a mixing board or recorder, this control will determine the amount of signal you will be sending via this jack. In this application it is usually best to start with the MASTER Controls set to
3and gradually increase them to the proper level. This minimizes the possibility of blowing speakers or eardrums in the event
the engineer has an extremely sensitive input headroom setting in place at the console.
| As with most guitar amplifiers, the TREBLE Control is the strongest of the three rotary controls. Its setting on the | ||||||
| ROCKET determines the blend and strength of the MIDDLE and BASS Control. Set |
| high, it is the dominant control, minimizing the amount of MID and BASS that |
| RHY |
| 5 |
| would otherwise be possible in the mix. Set low, the TREBLE becomes the |
| 76 | 4 |
| recessive control and a warmer, darker blend is produced. | |
| 3 | ||||
8 |
| 1 | 2 |
| ||
| 9 |
| 0 |
| |
| 10 |
| Dial with care! Subtle tweaking of this control tends to produce the best results. | ||
| |||
| LEAD |