APPLICATIONS AND PROTOCOLS The model number on each scanner includes the scanner number and factory
default communications protocol.
11 IBM 468X/46 9X, RS232-TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS
14 RS232 (T X, RX, RTS, CTS, DTR)
38 Lo w Speed USB
40 Full-speed USB
MS1690 -
47 Ke yboard Wedge, Stand-Alone Keyboard and
RS232 Transmit/Receive
The MS1690-47 with a built-in PC Keyboard Wedge Interface is designed for
Keyboard emulation use only. Many RS232 configurable functions available in
other Metrologic scanners are also available as keyboard wedge functions.
The following are the most important selectable options specific to the keyboard
Keyboard Type
• **AT (includes IBM® PS2 models 50, 55, 60, 80)
• IBM PS2 (includes models 30, 70, 8556)
Keyboard Country Type
• **USA • German • Spanish
• Belgium • Italian • Swiss
• French • Japanese • United Kingdom
** For additional information on the MS 1690’s default settings refer to
pages 28-31. For information on how to change the default settings, refer to
help files in MetroSet2 or the MetoSelect Single-Line Configuration Guide
(MLPN 00-02544).