only be displayed after the flash unit has received the corresponding data
from the camera.
Auto Zoom, aperture and maximum flash range are only displayed in
conjunction with Group B, C, D and E cameras (see Table 1) if these are
fitted with an AF lens or a lens with CPU.
5.4.1 Maximum flash range indication in TTL flash modeThe flash unit’s LC display indicates the maximum flash range. The indicated
value relates to a factor of 25 % of light reflection by the subject, which
applies to most photographic situations. Pronounced deviations from this re-
flection factor, e.g. highly reflective or poorly reflecting objects, can influence
the maximum flash range of the flash unit.
Always observe the maximum flash range indicated by the flash unit’s LC
display. The subject should be within approx. 40 % to 70 % of the indicated
value. This gives the electronic circuit sufficient scope for compensation. To
avoid overexposure, the minimum flash-to-subject distance should not be less
than 10 % of the indicated value. Adaptation to the given photographic si-
tuation is possible by changing the aperture setting on the lens.
5.4.2 Maximum flash range indication in manual flash modes Mand MLoThe flash unit’s LC display indicates the distance to be maintained for correct
exposure of the subject. Adaptation to the given photographic situation is
achieved by changing the aperture setting on the lens and selecting either
“M” for full light output or “MLo” for partial light output (see 4.7).
5.4.3 Exceeding the display rangeThe flash unit can indicate a maximum range of 199 m or 199 ft. This
display range can be exceeded in the event of high ISO values (e.g. ISO
6400) and large aperture openings. An arrow or triangle after the distance
value indicates that the display range has been exceeded.
5.4.4 Blanking out the maximum flash range displayThe flash unit’s LC display does not indicate any distances when the reflector
head is swivelled up or down out of its normal position!
5.4.5 “FEE” error indication on the flash unit’s LC-displayOn some cameras and in some camera modes (e.g. program “P”, Vari-pro-
grams, “S” shutter priority mode) it is necessary to set the aperture ring of
the lens to the maximum f-number. Otherwise the message “FEE” (= error)
will be indicated on the flash unit’s LC-display or the camera. In such an
instance please check the settings on the camera or lens (see operating
instructions of the camera).
5.4.6 Guide number indication when using lenses without CPULenses without CPU (i.e. without electronic data transmission) do not transmit
to the camera any electric information about focal length and aperture set-
ting. If such a lens is used on a Group B, C, D and E camera, then the flash
unit will only receive from the camera the data relating to ISO. The position
of the zoom reflector must be set manually (see 5.7.2).
In conjunction with certain cameras, the flash unit’s LC display indicates, in
this instance, the guide number for the current setting instead of the distance.
The maximum flash range is the result of the following formula:
guide number
Maximum flash range = ——————————
Refer to the instructions regarding the flash-to-subject distance in
section 5.5. The guide number is not indicated when the reflector is
folded down.