This represents a typical response of the HM-1S and subwoofer out-of-phase phase, in a free field environment on-
axis at 1 meter. This measurement was performed in the large anechoic chamber at MSLI.
If your system response indicates a phase reversal please contact Meyer Sound Technical Support for assistance.
Half Space:
To verify the system performance in half space you must perform a ground-plane measurement. This type of
measurement is not desirable for system calibration and should only be used to verify the performance of the
subwoofer. Place the HM-1S next to the subwoofer on the flat ground and position the calibrated measurement
microphone one meter on axis from the tweeter of the HM-1S as pictured below:
Using noise or other broadband test signal, perform a transfer function of the HM-1S. Start with the subwoofer