section 4: startinG sim 3 remote
First tiMe setup (windows – all physiCal setups)Depending on your Windows version and security settings you may be prompted to confirm/allow some of the following
1. Copy both Xming-6-9-0-31-setup.exe and PuTTY.exe to your desktop
2. Install Xming on your computer with all of the default options.
3. Start Xming from the Start Menu.
4. StartPuTTYbydoubleclickingontheexecutablele(noinstallationrequired).
5. InPuTTYperformthefollowinginstructions:
Under Connection/ SSH/ X11
• Check the Enable X11 forwarding box
• Check the MIT-Magic-Cookie-1
Under Session introduce the following data:
• Host Name (or IP address):
• Port: 22
• Connection type: SSH
• Saved Sessions: SIM3 Remote @
• Close window on exit: only on clean exit
Click on Save
6. Close Xming