Remote control connection and test
1. Check the UPS is shut down and the electrical supply network disconnected.
2. Remove connector (5) by unfitting the screws.
3. Connect a normally closed volt-free contact (60 Vdc / 30 Vac max, 20 mA max, 0.75mm 2 cable cross section)
between the two pins of connector (5), see diagram.
4. Plug connector (5)into the back of the UPS.
5. Connect and restart the UPS according to the previously described procedures.
6. Activate the external remote shut down contact to test the function.
Warning: This connector must only be connected to SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) circuits.
Contact open: shut down of UPS
Contact closed: start-up of UPS (UPS connected to the
network and network energized)
Note:local On/Off control via button (27) has priority over
the remote control order.
Contact open: shut down of UPS
To return to normal operation, deactivate the external
remote shut down contact and restart the UPS using
button (27).
Installation and User Manual
Operation 3 — 3
86-86700-00 A01