MGE UPS SYSTEMS Pulsar EX: E-51032233XT/AC 17
overloadutility power present
1a flashing
1d flashing
1e off
1f on
1 beep every second
automatic load transfer to bypass
operating anomaliesdevice fault
vautomatic load transfer to bypass,
vswitch off Pulsar (release "on/off" button),
disconnect from the wall socket (check input
cord), and check that Pulsar has not short-
circuited (disconnect all loads),
vif necessary, change the input fuse,
vre-start Pulsar.
1b flashing
1d flashing
1e off
1f on
1 beep every second
battery fault
A battery test is carried out while Pulsar, is in
start-up mode, then automatically every 7
days (interval times adjustable using EX
Driver). If a battery fault is detected, the
following occurs:
recharge your battery for 8 hours.
1c flashing
1e off
1f on
1 beep every second
operation on bypass
see "overload" and "device fault" section
This operating mode provides temporary
inverter fault tolerance.
1a and 1b indifferents
1d flashing
1e off
1f on
1 beep every second
no utility power present
1a flashing
1e flashing
1f on
1 beep every second
Pulsar switches off automatically after a
length of time which depends on the level
of overload.
Note: overload occurs if the load
consumption is greater than the rated power
of Pulsar.
To acknowledge the fault, release the "on/
off" button, temporarily disconnected Pulsar
from the wall socket (check input cord),
disconnect loads and re-start Pulsar.
1a to 1f off
continuous beep
after the start-up sequence, if the audio
warning device sounds continuously,
recharge your battery for 8 hours.
Note: if the previous symptoms persist,
contact technical support.