MS-7260 Mainboard
Chassis Intrusion
The field enables or disables the feature of recording the chassis intrusion status
and issuing a warning message if the chassis is once opened. To clear the warning
message, set the field to [Reset]. The setting of the field will automatically return to
[Enabled] later.
CPUFAN1 Mode Setting
This field allows you to set the CPU fan mode. Settings are: [Step Smart Fan], [Thermal
Cruise], [Disabled].
CPU Step Smart Fan Low/ High Temp
When the CPUFAN Mode Setting set to the “Step Smart Fan”, this item will
apear. The mainboard provides another Smart Fan system which can control the
fan speed automatically depending on the current temperature to keep it within a
specific step. In these items you can set the low and high tempertures, and the
values between are the range of the steps.
CPUFAN1 Tolerance Value
When the CPUFAN Mode Setting set to the “Step Smart Fan”, this item will
apear. The Fan tolerance value will decide the intervals of the steps from low
temperature to high temperature. The fan speed will increase at higher steps
and decrease at lower steps according to the steps.
Current Smart Fan Step
This item shows how many steps between the low and high temperatures.
Read only.
Each Step Increase Fan Output
This item shows the percentage for the CPU fan speed to increase or decrease
between two steps. Read only.
CPU Fan TargetTemp Value
When the CPUFAN Mode Setting set to the “Thermal Cruise” this item will
appear. The mainboard provides the Smart Fan system which can control the
fan speed automatically depending on the current temperature to keep it with in
a specific range.
CPU Fan Tolerance Value
When the CPUFAN Mode Setting set to the “Thermal Cruise” this item will
appear. You can select a fan tolerance value here for the specific range for the
“CPU Fan TargetTemp. Value” item. If the current temperature of the fan reaches
to the maximum threshold (the temperatures set in the “CPU Fan TargetTemp.
Value” plus the tolerance values you set here), the fan will speed up for cooling
down. On the contrary, if the current temperature reaches to the minimum
threshold (the set temperatures minus the tolerance value), the fan will slow
down to keep the temperature stable.