Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web 17
What is Supervisor over the Web?
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Security command family: tools
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Security command family: user and group
These security commands are enabled for general supervisors by default.
For more information about security commands, refer to the Supervisor’s Guide.
I want the supervisor to... I enable Security Command...
Change his or her own password, and those
of the users managed Change Password
I want the supervisor to... I enable Security Command(s)...
Add an instance of a user to a group Add to Group
Create a new group Create Group
Create a new user Create User
Delete a group Delete Group
Delete a user Delete User
Disable or enable a user Disable/Enable User
Edit the properties of a user or group Edit User/Group Properties
Remove user instances from groups Remove User from Group
Rename a user or group Rename User/Group
Move a group Add to Group and Remove User from
Group Page 17 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM