Appendix A | User's Guide |
The wireless LAN device can currently be used indoors only in the following departments of mainland France.
01 | Ain | 36 | Indre | 69 | Rhône |
02 | Aisne | 37 | Indre et Loire | 70 | Haute Saône |
03 | Allier | 39 | Jura | 71 | Saône et Loire |
05 | Hautes Alpes | 41 | Loir et Cher | 72 | Sarthe |
08 | Ardennes | 42 | Loire | 75 | Paris |
09 | Ariège | 45 | Loiret | 77 | Seine et Marne |
10 | Aube | 50 | Manche | 78 | Yvelines |
11 | Aude | 54 | Meurthe et Moselle | 79 | Deux Sèvres |
12 | Aveyron | 55 | Meuse | 82 | Tarn et Garonne |
16 | Charente | 57 | Moselle | 84 | Vaucluse |
19 | Corrèze | 58 | Nièvre | 86 | Vienne |
2A | Corse Sud | 59 | Nord | 88 | Vosges |
2B | Haute Corse | 60 | Oise | 89 | Yonne |
21 | Côte d’Or | 61 | Orne | 90 | Territoire de Belfort |
24 | Dordogne | 63 | Puy du Dôme | 91 | Essonne |
25 | Doubs | 64 | Pyrénées Atlantique | 92 | Hauts de Seine |
26 | Drôme | 65 | Haute Pyrénées | 93 | Seine St Denis |
27 | Eure | 66 | Pyrénées Orientales | 94 | Val de Marne |
32 | Gers | 67 | Bas Rhin |
35 | Ille et Vilaine | 68 | Haut Rhin |
The wireless LAN device cannot currently be used in any departments of mainland France other than those listed above.
Maximum allowable EIRP 802.11b wireless LAN cards in the mainland departments of France not shown in the table above are as follows: (See the ART website at for information on the French overseas territories.)
Frequency Ranges (MHz) | Indoors | Outdoors | |
2400 – | 2446.5 | 10 mW | Not permitted |
2446.5 | – 2483.5 | 100 mW | 100 mW on private property |
| with Ministry of Defense |
| approval |