BULLETIN NO. 54-43-0050 Mar. 2006






2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Remove hex bolt (2), deflector (3), muffler (4) and deflector pad (5) from top cap (6). 4 mm hex key required.


1, 6

Remove hex bolts (1) to remove top cap (6). 4 mm hex key required.


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Remove valve assembly (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13) out of the top cap using a 1/8 in. (3.18 mm) punch. Gently push


punch through several different holes in the top of the cap to remove assembly evenly.


15, 20, 44

Remove press ring (15) from the top of cylinder (20) before removing cylinder assembly from tool body (44).


20, 44

Remove cylinder assembly (20) using two pair of needle-nose pliers. Gently grasp the ribs of the cylinder (on opposing


sides) to pull the cylinder from tool body (44).


64, 69, 70, 73, 81, 82, 94

Remove magazine assembly (70 and 81) as an assembly, by removing screw(s) (73, 82, and 64).



Note: When removing magazine assembly (70 and 81) hold Pusher Assembly (98) stationary to restrict movement of


spring (69).


37, 38, 39, 40, 41,42, 43,

Remove trigger valve assembly (97) from tool body (44) by placing a 3/32 in. (2.5mm) punch inside half-moon slot of

44, 97

retainer (42) and gently tapping shaft of selector (40).Remove spring (41), retainer (42) and ring (43). Remove spring, (39)


and trigger (38) from tool body and push pins (36 and 37) out of tool body (44) just far enough to remove valve assembly


using service fixture 61-60-0005. Trigger valve assembly (97) can be gently pushed out of the tool body from the inside


handle area of the tool body using a flat blade screwdriver.






36, 37, 44, 97

Reinstall trigger valve assembly (97) into tool body (44) by aligning the grooves in the valve assembly with the two holes


for spring pins (36 and 37). Drive spring pins into tool body until they are flush with the casting surface using service


fixture number 61-60-0005.


38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,

Reinstall selection lever assembly (40, 41, 42, 43,) and trigger assembly (38 and 39) by doing the following.



• Place spring (41) onto shaft of selection lever (40).


Position spring (39) and trigger (38) over plunger of trigger valve assembly (97).

Insert selection lever assembly (40 and 41) into tool body (44) and align half-moon slot of retainer (42) with half- moon shaft of selection lever (40) and snap retainer assembly (42 and 43) onto the shaft.

18, 23, 44

Install flat side of driver guide (23) towards front of tool body (44).


Note: Center opening of driver guide (23) has a flat side and one with a slight offset to accommodate / help align blade


of driver assembly (18) in the assembly

20, 21

Reinstall cylinder ring (21) onto cylinder (20) with flanged end facing the top of cylinder (20) when installed.

16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,

Assemble driver assembly (16, 17, and 18) and install it into cylinder assembly (19, 20, 21, and 22. Install assembled

23, 44

components into tool body (44). Note: Orientation of driver assembly (18) must match orientation of driver guide (23).

6, 15, 20

Reinstall press ring (15) onto top of cylinder (20) with wide edge facing toward top cap (6).

6, 24

Reinstall bumper band (24) into slot on top cap (6).

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Reinstall spring (9) into internal bore of top cap (6) and snap preassembled head valve assembly (7-13) into top cap.

1, 6, 44

Reinstall top cap assembly (6) onto tool body (44) using hex bolts (1).


Note: To properly seat top cap, tighten the screws at alternating corners a few turns at a time until all screws are



44, 64, 70, 72, 73, 74,

Reinstall magazine assembly (70 and 81) onto tool body (44) by securing screw/washer (72 and 73) and two screws (64


and 82).


Note: Make sure magazine channel (74) is aligned properly at the front and rear of the magazine assembly.

46, 48

Install smooth side of filter (46) toward end cap (48).


Apply Blue Loctite® 242 to fasteners (1), (2), (54) (64), (73) and (93), if removed during disassembly.

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Milwaukee 7145-21 manual Bulletin no -43-0050 Mar