Setting of FR-PU07-01
4.24.2 Unit selection for the PID parameter/PID monitored items (Pr. 759)
<List of Pr. 759 settings and units>
For the parameter unit (FR-PU07/FR-PU07-01), the display unit of parameters and monitored items, which are
related to PID control, can be changed. When the displayed bias coefficient and gain coefficient for PID control
are changed by Pr. 934 and Pr. 935, the unit setting of Pr. 759 is applied to the direct setting mode display,
parameters and monitored items.
* The direct setting mode is available only for FR-PU07-01.
Number Name Initial
Range Description
759 PID unit selection 9999 0 to 43, 9999 Change the display unit of the parameters and monitored
items, which are related to PID control.
[Parameters of which display units are
[Monitored items of which display units are
Pr. Parameter name Pr.52
setting Monitor item
131 PID upper limit 52 DU/PU main display data selection
132 PID lower limit 53 PID measured value
133 PID action set point 54 FM terminal function selection
553 PID deviation limit
577 Output interruption cancel level
755 Second PID action set point
761 Pre-charge ending level
763 Pre-charge upper detection level
766 Second pre-charge ending level
768 Second pre-charge upper detection level
The Pr. 759 setting is also applied for the display unit of parameters and monitored items when using FR-PU07.
Setting Unit
display Unit name
9999 % %
0 Not displayed
1K Kelvin
2 C Degree Celsius
3 F Degree Fahrenheit
Pound-force per
Square Inch
5 MPa Mega Pascal
6 kPa Kilo Pascal
7 Pa Pascal
8 bar Bar
9 mbr Milli Bar
10 GPH Gallon per Hour
11 GPM Gallon per Minute
12 GPS Gallon per Second
13 L/H Liter per Hour
14 L/M Liter per Minute
15 L/S Liter per Second
16 CFH Cubic Feet per Hour
17 CFM Cubic Feet per
18 CFS Cubic Feet per
19 CMH Cubic Meter per
20 CMM Cubic Meter per
22 ftM Feet per Minute
23 ftS Feet per Second
24 m/M Meter per Minute
25 m/S Meter per Second
26 lbH Pound per Hour
27 lbM Pound per Minute
28 lbS Pound per Second
29 iWC Inch of Water
30 iWG Inch of Water Gauge
Setting Unit
display Unit name
31 fWG Feet of Water Gauge
32 mWG
Meter of Water
33 iHg Inch of Mercury
34 mHg Millimeter of Mercury
35 kgH Kilo Gram per Hour
36 kgM Kilo Gram per
37 kgS Kilo Gram per
38 ppm Pulse per M inute
39 pps Pulse per Second
40 kW Kilo Watt
41 hp Horse Power
42 Hz Hertz
43 rpm Revolution per
Setting Unit
display Unit name
How PID set value is
displayed when Pr. 759 = "4"
How Pr. 133 is displayed when
Pr. 759 = "4"