102 V/F2(second frequency) 02 82 1
103 V/F2(second frequency voltage) 03 83 1
104 V/F3(third frequency) 04 84 1
105 V/F3(third frequency voltage) 05 85 1
106 V/F4(fourth frequency) 06 86 1
107 V/F4(fourth frequency voltage) 07 87 1
108 V/F5(fifth frequency) 08 88 1
109 V/F5(fifth frequency voltage) 09 89 1
117 PU communication station number 11 91 1 *3 *3
118 PU communication speed 12 92 1 *3 *3
119 PU communication stop bit length 13 93 1 *3 *3
120 PU communication parity check 14 94 1 *3 *3
121 Number of PU communication retries 15 95 1 *3 *3
122 PU communication check time interval 16 96 1 *3 *3
123 PU communication waiting time setting 17 97 1 *3 *3
124 PU communication CR/LF selection 18 98 1 *3 *3
125 Terminal 2 frequency setting gain
frequency 19 99 1×
126 Terminal 4 frequency setting gain
frequency 1A 9A 1 ×
127 PID control automatic switchover
frequency 1B 9B 1
128 PID action selection 1C 9C 1
129 PID proportional band 1D 9D 1
130 PID integral time 1E 9E 1
131 PID upper limit 1F 9F 1
132 PID lower limit 20 A0 1
133 PID action set point 21 A1 1
134 PID differential time 22 A2 1
135 Electronic bypass sequence selection 23 A3 1
136 MC switchover interlock time 24 A4 1
137 Start waiting time 25 A5 1
138 Bypass selection at a fault 26 A6 1
139 Automatic switchover frequency from
inverter to bypass operation 27 A7 1
140 Backlash acceleration stopping
frequency 28 A8 1
141 Backlash acceleration stopping time 29 A9 1
142 Backlash deceleration stopping
frequency 2A AA 1
143 Backlash deceleration stopping time 2B AB 1
144 Speed setting switchover 2C AC 1
145 PU display language selection 2D AD 1× ×
147 Acceleration/deceleration time switching
frequency 2F AF 1
148 Stall prevention level at 0V input 30 B0 1
149 Stall prevention level at 10V input 31 B1 1
150 Output current detection level 32 B2 1
151 Output current detection signal delay time 33 B3 1
152 Zero current detection level 34 B4 1
153 Zero current detection time 35 B5 1
154 Voltage reduction selection during stall
prevention operation 36 B6 1
155 RT signal function validity condition
selection 37 B7 1
156 Stall prevention operation selection 38 B8 1
157 OL signal output timer 39 B9 1
Name Instruction Code *1
All Parameter
Read Write