Allowed credit reached! You are trying to make a call and the allowed credit has already been
The allowed credit limit is reached during an outgoing call (the call is
then aborted).
Busy You are trying to make a call and the call fails because the destination
number is already engaged in conversation.
Call failed The user is unreachable.
The outgoing call fails due to:
the network cannot take the call due to system busy or
the number is out of order or
the number is unreachable or
the network does not answer or
the option to hide your phone number when calling is not supported by
the network
Control the ability to hide your ID when making a call (service availability
in network).
Cancelled. No type
Cell broadcast activation has been requested but no message type has
been selected.
Cannot execute command You have made a request which is impossible to be executed in the
current call situation.
Cannot display message The short message text cannot be displayed (characters not
recognised, incorrect format etc.)
Check SIM! There is no SIM present or the SIM is incorrectly inserted.
Check your password You have changed the call barring password or
You have changed the call barring service status.
The password you have entered is incorrect.
Check your request You have requested a service that is impossible to fulfil.
Check your subscription You have tried to activate a GSM service. You are requested to check
your subscription regarding the related service rights of use/access.
Connection failed Connection with the server cannot be established for one of the
following reasons:
The server is busy. Try again later.
The server is down. Try again later.
The network is not reachable. Ensure that the GPRS service icon is
displayed on standby mode.
Error! The network cannot perform your request and generates an error result.
Failed An SMS sending process failed (the short message cannot be sent).
File too big The file dimensions (pixels) and/or weight (kB) are not appropiate for
your mobile. Resize the file (the maximum allowed file size depends on
your service provider).
The file cannot be exported (copyright).
You cannot send any of the melodies or images received via the i-
Incorrect entry You have entered a character string with a syntax error.
Internal fault An unrecoverable error has occurred. Switch the handset off and back
on again.
Invalid data
The received file contains invalid information or the melody format
cannot be recognised by the mobile
Invalid number - You have tried to make a call and the call is rejected by the network
because the network does not recognise the phone number structure or
you have tried to store a phone number that is too long to be stored in
the selected location or
- you have tried to move a phone entry to a location that is unable to
receive the phone number (phone number too long).
Service Menu
An invalid service menu has been sent to the handset. The invalid
service menu is ignored, no further action necessary.