Print Data *Manual Number Revision
Apr., 2003 SH(NA)030012-D Section 9.2: Reexamination of cause and action in FA. 12 to 15
Addition of cause and action to FA. 37
Reexamination of A.50# definition
Addition of "During rotation: 2.5s or more" to A.51#
Section 10.3 (3): Change to applicable tool 91560-1
Section 10.3 (6): Addition
Section 12.1.2 (1): Reexamination of motion controller-compatible bus cable in
Bus cable addition
Section 12.1.2 (4): Reexamination of contents
Section 12.2.1 (2): Bus cable addition
Mar., 2004 SH(NA)030012-E Reexamination of description on configuration soft ware
Safety Instructions: 1. To prevent electric shock: Addition of sentence
3. To prevent injury: Change of sentence
4. Additional instructions (1): Change of sentence
COMPLIANCE WITH EC DIRECTIVES: Modified to IEC60664-1 in (3)
Modified to IEC60664-1 in (4).
Section 2.7: Partial modification of CAUTION sentence
Section 3.7 (4) (a): Partial change of timing chart
Section 5.1.2: Change of POINT sentence
Section 5.2.1: Change of POINT sentence
: Addition of IFU parameter No.9 and POINT
Section 9.2: Reexamination of A.52# content
Section 12.1.1 (3): Partial reexamination of sentence
Section 12.1.1 (4): Reexamination of outline drawing
Section 12.1.4 (2) (a): Reexamination of content
Section 12.2.6 (2) (d): Modification of FR-BSF01 outline drawing
Section 12.2.6 (2) (e): Reexamination of connection diagram
Section 13.2 (1): Addition of POINT
Feb., 2005 SH(NA)030012-F Section 13.2 (1): Error in writing correct ion of POINT
Oct., 2005 SH(NA)030012-G Safet y Instructions : 1. To prevent electric shock:
Description is corrected as 15 minutes.
4. Additional instructions (2) (4):
Caution sentence addition
Usage: Sentence change
Compliance with EC Directives: Partial sentence change
Conformance with UL/C-UL Standard (4): Partial sentence change
Chapter 2: CAUTION sentence addition
Section 3.6: CAUTION sentence addition
Section 3.6 (3): Sentence change
Section 3.7: CAUTION sentence addition
Section 5.2.1 (1) (2): Addition of parameter No. 49 to 55, 60, 61
Section 5.2.3: (2): Note addition
Section 7.5: Addition of gain changing function
Chapter 8: WARNING sentence partial change
Section 9.1: Note addition in the table for alarm code No. A45, A46
Section 9.2: CAUTION sentences addition
Addition of the contents of DRU parameter No.@A. 17#