2.3 Sequence Instructions
2.3.1 Contact instructions
Table 2.3 Contact Instructions
*1: The number of steps may vary depending on the device being used.
Instruction Symbol
Symbol Processing Details Execution
Number of Basic Steps
See for Description
LD •Starts logic operation
(Starts a contact logic operation)
*1 5-2
LDI •Starts logical NOT operation
(Starts b contact logic operation)
AND •Logical product (a contact series connection)
ANI •Logical product NOT (b contact series
OR •Logical sum (a contact parallel connection)
ORI •Logical sum NOT (b contact parallel
LDP •Starts leading edge pulse operation
*2 5-5
LDF •Starts trailing edge pulse operation
ANDP •Leading edge pulse series connection
ANDF •Trailing edge pulse series connection
ORP •Leading edge pulse parallel connection
ORF •Trailing edge pulse parallel connection
LDPI •Starts leading edge pulse NOT operation 3
LDFI •Starts trailing edge pulse NOT operation 3
ANDPI •Leading edge pulse NOT series connection 4
ANDFI •Trailing edge pulse NOT series connection 4
ORPI •Leading edge pulse NOT parallel connection 4
ORFI •Trailing edge pulse NOT parallel connection 4
Device Number of Steps
Internal device, file register (R0 to R32767) 1
Direct access input (DX) 2
Devices other than above 3