Ordering Information (order code is in Italics)
•Philips MPTK Core Components. Includes compiler tools and basic TSSA software library components
•Documentation on CDROM.•MDS board manual and examples on CD.•Audio, video, and IR xmit cables•RS232 adapter••
•Audio, video, and IR xmit cables
•RS232 adapter
•Please contact MDS for ordering information to convert evaluation license to a product license.
•Each component is sold separately as source code. Some components require others to be used. Customer must execute Unicoi Software License Agreement prior to ordering.
•All source licenses normally include a bundled 90 day support contract, a 1 year support contract. also available on request.
•How to use/run hardware or software that comes with the
•General questions on background information (MPEG, industry standards like CCIR 601 or CCIR 656, video formats, HDTV)
Please see the MDS website for a copy of the Support data sheet, which has full details.
Please note there is a public support forum for NEXPERIA/ TriMedia via Yahoo eGroups.
Related items
Please visit http://www.mds.com for more information on these and other software products to speed your design to market.
•Please contact Blunk Microsystems directly to convert evaluation license to a product license.
TriMedia, NEXPERIA, pnx1500, and pnx1300 are trademarks of Philips Semiconductor, Inc.
FUSION is a trademark of Unicoi Inc.
TargetTCP is a trademark of Blunk Microsystems Inc.
QEDesign2000 is a trademark of Momentum Data Systems Inc.