Repeat the process for each set of digits for both the
on time and the off time (hour, minute, AM/PM if
your pager is set to display time in the 12 hour
Press Á to activate auto on/off.
The å symbol is displayed if the auto on/off function is
enabled. If the on time is equal to the off time, the
pager does not enable the auto on/off function.
Other Features
Battery Gauge: The battery gauge indicator is located
on the status screen and keeps you informed of the
battery energy level. The five indicators range from full
to low: ( (full), ) (3/4), * (1/2), + (1/4),
and , (low).
Key Click: When this feature is enabled, and the
pager is in the audible mode, a “click” is emitted when-
ever a button is pressed. The click is not heard when
the pager is in the silent mode.
Duplicate Message: If the same message is received
more than once, DUPLICATE MESSAGE is displayed
at the beginning of the new message. The new mes-
sage contains the latest time and date stamp.
Out of Range: With this option enabled, T is dis-
played whenever you are out of range of the paging trans-
mitter. Your pager can also alert you of this if this feature is
enabled. The symbol T is no longer displayed when
you return to your transmitting area.
Errored Data Indicator: The ú symbol displays when
potentially corrupt data is received. The indicator alter-
nates with the corrupted character.
1027b05text.fr5 Page 14 Thursday, December 5, 1996 08:19