Getting Started
Getting StartedAbout This Guide
This guide describes the basic features of your Motorola
wireless phone.
To obtain the MoreHere guide for your phone, or another
copy of this guide, see the Motorola Web site at:
or contact the Motorola Customer Call Center at 1-800-
331-6456 (U.S.A.) or 1-800-461-4575 (Canada).
Optional Features
This label identifies an optional network, SIM
card, or subscription-dependent feature that may
not be offered by all service providers in all
geographical areas. Contact your service provider
for more information.
Before using the phone for the
first time, read the
Important Safety and
Legal Information
included in the
gray-edged pages at the back of this guide.
Note: A
More Here reference guide for your
phone is also available that describes your
phone’s features in more detail.