Cloning Radio Settings
Cloning Radio Settings
You can copy _ Series radio settings from one radio (the source) to a second radio using the 56531
You can clone only one radio at a time. A
plugged in for cloning, but both radios require charged batteries.
1. On the source radio, press and hold Push to Talk and T for 3 seconds while turning the radio on. The radio beeps and displays k.
2. Place the source radio in one of the charging pockets. 3. Turn the target radio on and place it in the charging pocket
that is paired with the pocket containing the source radio.
There are 3 paired charging pockets as indicated by the 3 pairs of charging status LEDs.
4. Press and hold T on the source radio. The source radio
transmits its settings to the target radio. If cloning was successful, P or Pass or “F” for Fail displays on the source
radio and the target radio displays all feature icons. If cloning was not successful, F or Fail displays on the source radio.
5.Turn the target radio off and back on again to use.
6.To clone another radio, repeat steps 3 and 4.
7.To exit programming mode on the source radio, press and hold Push to Talk until k no longer appears.