42 Apps for all

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Android Market™

Note: You must set up a Gmail account (see “Set up &
go” on page4) in order to buy and download apps
from the Android Market.
Find it: Launcher icon >Market
Get all the fun games and cool apps you want! Android
Market provides access to applications developed by
developers worldwide, so you can find the app you
want. If you need help or have questions about
Android Market, touchMenu > Help.

Browse & install apps

Scroll to and touch the app you want to install. Then,
touch Install (if app is free) or Buy.
Warning: If an app you are downloading requires
access to your data or control of functions on your
phone, you’ll be asked to give your permission. After
selecting Install, the app will download. After
selecting Buy, you may be asked to sign in to an
additional Google™ account. Sign in and select
Purchase now to proceed. Follow the on-screen
instructions. To see the download progress, open the
notifications window.