LTS 2000

essential communication...

Remote Speaker Microphone (RSM)

This compact, water-resistant unit allows radio users to talk and listen without removing the radio
from the belt or case. Attaches securely onto shirt or collar with a swivel clip on the back of the
unit. Includes 6-foot coiled cord and Push-to-Talk switch. Ideal for public safety personnel, or any-
one who wears work gloves or uniforms. Intrinsically Safe (FM).
HMN9030A* Remote Speaker Microphone
HKN9094A* Replacement Coiled Cord for HMN9030A

Epaulet Strap

Black leather Epaulet Strap secures Remote Speaker Microphone to
epaulet on shirt or jacket and accommodates back clip in leather cut-outs. Snap closure secures
cord to allow reliable communications in hostile environments.
RLN4294A Epaulet Strap, Velcro
RLN4295A Epaulet Strap, with Clip

Surveillance Kits

Surveillance accessories allow the radio user to privately receive messages with
the earpiece. They are ideal when environments require discreet communication.
HMN9727B* Receive-Only Earpiece with Standard Earphone (1-Wire). Beige.
RLN4894A Receive-Only Earpiece with Standard Earphone (1-Wire). Black.
HMN9752B* Receive-Only Earpiece with Volume Control (1-Wire). Beige.
HMN9754D* Earpiece with Microphone and Push-to-Talk Combined (2-Wire). Beige.
RLN4895A Earpiece with Microphone and Push-to-Talk Combined (2-Wire). Black.

Surveillance Kits - With Extended-Wear Comfort Earpiece

These kits include an extended-wear comfort earpiece with rubber eartip and clear, comfortable
acoustic tube. Users hear transmissions clearly, while the clear tube provides a discreet appear-
RLN5317A Earpiece with Microphone and Push-to-Talk Combined (2-Wire). Beige
RLN5318A Earpiece with Microphone and Push-to-Talk Combined (2-Wire). Black
*Intrinsically Safe (FM)