26 2. Phone Basics
Using a Remote Direct Connect ButtonIf you are using a headset or other optional accessory
with a remote Direct Connect button, you can use the
remote Dire ct Connec t button for phone c alls, Dire ct
Connect calls, and Group Connect calls.
For phone calls, use the remote Direct Connect button
to answer calls, switch between calls, and end calls.
Hold the remote Direct Connect button for less than
two seconds to answer calls and switch between calls.
Hold the remote Direct Connect button for more than
two seconds to end calls.
For Direct Connect calls and Group Connect calls, use
the remote Direct Connect button as you would the
Direct Connect button on your phone.
When using a headset, the Direct Connect button on
your phone works the same way as when you are not
using a headset. Direct Connect and Group Connect
sounds will be heard through the headset.