Safety and General Information
Safety and General InformationImportant Information on Safe and Efficient Operation
Read This Information Before Using Your Radio.
The information provided in this document supersedes the general safety
information in user guides published prior to December 1, 2002.
Transmit and Receive Procedure
Your two-way radio contains a transmitter and a receiver. To control your
exposure and ensure compliance with the general population/uncontrolled
environment exposure limits, always adhere to the following procedure:
• Transmit no more than 50% of the time.
• To transmit (talk), press the Push to Talk (PTT) button.
• To receive calls, release the PTT button.
Transmitting 50% of the time, or less, is important because the radio generates
measurable RF energy exposure only when transmitting (in terms of measuring
standards compliance).
Exposure To Radio Frequency Energy
Your Motorola two-way radio complies with the following RF energy exposure
standards and guidelines:
• United States Federal Communications Commission, Code of Federal
Regulations; 47CFR part 2 sub-part J