Motorola V186 manual Feature Set ringer ID, For entry, Set picture ID, View, Set category

Models: V186

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set ringer ID

Assign a distinctive ring alert (ringer ID)

for entry

to an entry:


M > Phonebook > entryM > Edit > Ringer ID


> ringer name


Note: The Ringer ID option isn’t available in


entries stored on the SIM card.


To activate ringer IDs:


M > Ring Styles > style Detail > Ringer IDs



set picture ID

Assign a photo or picture to display

for entry

when you receive a call from an entry:


M > Phonebook > entryM > Edit > Picture


> picture name


Note: The Picture option isn’t available in


entries stored on the SIM card.



set picture ID

Display entries as a text list, or with


picture caller ID photos:


M > Phonebook


M > Setup > View by > view name



set category

M > Phonebook > entryM > Edit > Category

for entry

> category name


Note: The Category option isn’t available in


entries stored on the SIM card.

42other features

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Motorola V186 manual Feature Set ringer ID, For entry, Set picture ID, View, Set category