WDE1000/1100 User’s Guide - Preface
Scope of This ManualThis manual provides instructions for the operation of the WDE1000 (Wireless Device Enabler)
WLAN CardBus Adaptor and the WDE1100 Mini PCI card.
Arrangement of This ManualThis manual is arranged as follows:
•Preface - Contains the scope of the manual and its arrangement.
•Chapter 1-Introduction - Gives a general description of the WDE1000/1100 and its specifica-
•Chapter 2-Installation - Gives information about your WDE1000/1100 package content and
instructions that will enable you to install the card and its operating software.
•Chapter 3 - Operation - Provides you with the information required for setting-up your software
and some initial operation instructions.
•Chapter 4 - Troubleshooting - Gives a list of possible malfunctions that could occur during soft-
ware installation and operation and possible ways to correct them.
•Chapter 5 - Glossary - Gives an explanation to terms and abbreviations that appear in the manual.
Applicable Documentation•For additional information regarding Motorola Client Utility (MCU) application configuration and
use, refer to the On-line Help that is supplied with the application.
•Motorola Client Utility (MCU) for WDE1000/1100 Quick Reference Card - P/N 6802981C05.
•WDE1100 Mini PCI Card Installation Guide - P/N 6802980C85.