Configuration Section 3
WN825 3-7
Field Description
Authentication Select if your access point requires authentication. Match the
authentication used by the network.
Open No authentication is used.
Shared The Pre-Shared Key (PSK) authentication method is
802.1X IEEE port based network access control authentication
method is used.
WPA Wi-Fi® Protected Access (WPA) authentication
(802.1X) is used with an EAP type.
PSK WPA authentication (802.1X) is used with a
Pre-Shared Key, which enables you to enter a static
Network key.
CCKM Cisco® proprietary standard Lightweight Extensible
Authentication Protocol (LEAP).
Note: If you select WPA, WPA-PSK, or CCKM, you may be required
to enter further information on the Authentication tab. Ask your
network administrator for additional information.
Data Encryption Select the type of security encryption algorithm used. The available
types of encryption are based on the type of the authentication
Disabled No encryption. Available only with Open and Shared
WEP Deselect Network Key is provided for me
automatically and enter the Key provided by the
network. Available only with Open, Shared, 802.1X,
and CCKM Authentication.
TKIP Available with WPA, WPA-PSK, and CCKM
AES Available with WPA and WPA-PSK Authentication.
CKIP Available with CCKM (Cisco Centralized Key
Management) Authentication.
Network key Enter the security key for data encryption, when WEP or WPA-PSK is
selected. This can be entered in ASCII or hexadecimal for WEP and