NPort IA5150/5250 Series User’s Manual Web Console Configuration
Baud rate
Setting Factory Default Necessity
110 bps to 230400 bps 115200 bps Required
Data bits
Setting Factory Default Necessity
5, 6, 7, 8 8 Required
When the user sets Data bits to 5 bits, the Stop bits setting will automatically change to 1.5 bits.
Stop bits
Setting Factory Default Necessity
1, 2 1 Required
Stop bits will be set to 1.5 when Data bits is set to 5 bits.
Setting Factory Default Necessity
None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark None Required
Flow control
Setting Factory Default Necessity
None, RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR, Xon/Xoff RTS/CTS Required
Setting Factory Default Necessity
Enable, Disable Enable Required
NPort IA5150/5250’s serial ports provide a 16-byte FIFO both in the Tx and Rx directions. To
prevent data loss during communication, disable the FIFO setting when your serial device does not
have a FIFO.
Setting Factory Default Necessity
2-wire RS-485
4-wire RS-485
RS-232 Required
Operating Settings
Click on Operating Settings, located under Main Menu, to display the operating settings for both
of NPort IA5150/5250’s serial ports.