NPort IA5150/5250 Series User’s Manual Web Console Configuration
Real COM Mode
TCP alive check time
Setting Factory Default Necessity
0 to 99 min 7 min Optional
0 min: TCP connection is not closed due to an idle TCP connection.
1 to 99 min: NPort IA5150/5250 automatically closes the TCP connection if there is no TCP
activity for the given time. After the connection is closed, NPort IA5150/5250 starts listening for
another Real COM driver connection from another host.
Max connection
Setting Factory Default Necessity
1, 2, 3, 4 1 Required
Max connection is usually used when the user needs to receive data from different hosts
simultaneously. The factory default is 1. In this case, only one specific host can access this port of
the NPort IA5150/5250, and the Real COM driver on that host will have full control over the port.
Max. connection 1:
Allows only 1 host’s Real COM driver to open the specific NPort IA5150/5250 serial port.
Max connection 2 to 4:
Allows 2 to 4 host’s Real COM drivers to open the specific NPort IA5150/5250 serial port, at the
same time. When multiple hosts’ Real COM drivers open the serial port at the same time, the
COM driver only provides a pure data tunnel without control ability. That is, this serial port
parameter will use the firmware settings, instead of depending on your application program (AP).
Application software that is based on the COM driver will receive a driver response of “success”
when the software uses any of the Win32 API functions. The firmware will only send the data
back to the driver on the host.
Data will be sent first-in-first-out when data comes into the NPort IA5150/5250 from the Ethernet