NPort IA5150/5250 Series User’s Manual Web Console Configuration
Destination IP address
Setting Factory Default Necessity
IP address or Domain Name
blank Optional
TCP port No. 4001 Required
The Pair Connection “Master” will contact the network host that has this IP address. Data will be
transmitted through the port No. (4001 by default). Note that you must configure the same TCP
port No. for the device server acting as the Pair Connection “Slave.”
Pair Connection Slave Mode
When using Pair Connection Mode, you must select Pair Connection Slave Mode for the
Operation mode of one of the NPort IA5150/5250 device servers. In effect, this NPort
IA5150/5250 will be acting as a TCP server.
TCP alive check time
Setting Factory Default Necessity
0 to 99 min 7 min Required
0 min: TCP connection is not closed due to an idle TCP connection.
1 to 99 min: NPort IA5150/5250 closes the TCP connection automatically if there is no TCP
activity for the given time.
Local TCP port
Setting Factory Default Necessity
TCP port No. (e.g., 4001) 4001 Required
This Port No. must be the same port No. that you set up for the Pair Connection “Master” device