2005-11-22 8 / 22
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2.1 Hardware Installation Connecting the Stick to a PSTN line is optional. However to use the Stick for emergency calling or
to route calls directly through PSTN, this is necessary.
1. Connect a standard telephone cable from the Stick’s telephone line jack (middle
connector between the power jack and the Phone jack) to your PSTN service connection.
2. If your telephone service is provided over your high speed DSL or cable modem, you may
need to connect one of the filters that came with the high speed. Then, connect the
telephone cable from the Stick to the filter.
Make sure that your high speed internet service cable is correctly installed as instructed
by your service provider.
3. Use another standard telephone cable to connect your telephone to the Phone jack on
the TeleVoIP Stick™.
4. Connect your (optional) microphone to the Stick’s microphone jack.
5. Connect your computer’s sound card microphone jack to the Stick’s sound card
microphone jack.
6. Connect your computer’s sound card speaker jack to the Sticks sound card speaker jack
7. Connect your (optional) external speakers to the Stick’s speaker jack.
8. Connect your power supply to the Stick’s Power jack. Verify that the blue light is on.
Now you can install the software that comes with the Stick.
2.2 Software Installation 1. Make sure that your Windows XP is running from C: drive (some installations are running
from D: or E: drive).
2. Insert the software CD into your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. The setup will be
automatically launched.
If the Auto-Setup does not start, click Start, and then click Run. Browse to the drive
where the CD-Rom is located and click Setup or Setup.exe depending on your Windows
Explorer View options.
3. Follow the setup instructions on the screen.
The setup wizard will guide you through the installation process. This will include selecting setup
location, creating desktop shortcut, configuring audio settings and telephone functions, verifying
cable placement, and other features.
The Setup application trains the TeleVoIP Stick™ to the sound card of your PC. To do this, it
exchanges control tones between the PC and the Stick. During this time, you will hear a “chirping”
sound on your speakers, or headset. This process could take a minute or two so be patient. Follow
the instructions as it proceeds through the process.