Chapter 3 – Configuration
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. RouteFinderVPN RF760/660/600VPN User Guide (PN S000323D) 30
The Wizard Setup Screen
Click on the Wizard Setup button. The following screen displays.
1. Enter your Administrator Email Address (can be anything).
2. Enter your Hostname for the RouteFinder (can be anything).
3. LAN IP Address and Subnet Mask default into the fields. This should be acceptable for your site.
4. Enter the WAN IP Address. This is the PUBLIC STATIC IP address.
Set this option based on information provided by your ISP. Example:
5. Change the Gateway IP address; this is the IP address of the router that connects to the Internet.
6. Place a checkmark in the Packet Filter Rule LAN-ANY-ANY-ALLOW box. This will enable the rule.
7. Change Password Settings as appropriate for your network. It is highly recommended that you change all default
passwords. Do not leave them at the defaults.
8. Click Save to save the settings you just entered.
9. The following message displays. Click OK to close the message box and save your changes.
Click OK to save the changes. Please be patient. Wizard
Setup will take a few minutes to implement the changes. Do not
close the Browser.
10. One more mes sage displays. Note that saving your settings will take 1-2 minutes.
Please do not close the browser. Server is saving the values.
After a few minutes you will be redirected to the new IP address.
If you are not redirected, change the address in the location bar
11. T est your workstation to see that it can access the Internet. If a connection is established, then the settings have
been entered correctly.

Your Basic Configuration Is Now Complete