W415-0372 / 02.12.03
This appliance shall be used ONLY outdoors in a
well- ventilated space and shall NOT be used inside
a building, garage, or any other enclosed area.
This appliance MUST NOT be used for cooking.
Cylinders must be stored outdoors in a well-
ventilated area out of reach of children. Discon-
nected cylinders must have threaded valve plugs
tightly installed and must not be stored in a
building, garage or any other enclosed area.
Storage of this appliance indoors is permissible
only if it has been disconnected from its fuel
supply (natural gas line or LP gas cylinder).
The installation must conform with Local codes or in
the absence of local codes, with the National Fuel Gas
Code ANSI Z223.1/INFPA 54 in the United States or
CSA B149.1, Natural and Propane Installation code in
The appliance and its individual shut off valve must be
disconnected from the gas supply piping system during
any pressure testing of the system at test pressures in
excess of 1/2 psig (3.5kPa).
This appliance must be isolated from the gas supply
piping system by closing its individual manual shut off
valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply pip-
ing system at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2
psig (3.5kPa).
The following clearances to combustible materials must
be maintained: Bottom - 0 inches, Sides (all around) -
24 inches (610mm), Top - 6 feet (1.830m).
Always keep the appliance area clear and free from
combustible materials, gasoline, and other flammable
vapours and liquids.
Do not locate appliance where it can get excessively
wet. Do not use this appliance if any part has been
under water. Immediately call a qualified service techni-
cian to inspect the unit and to replace any part of the
control system and any gas control which has been
• Installation and repair should be done by a quali-• Installation and repair should be done by a quali-
• Installation and repair should be done by a quali-• Installation and repair should be done by a quali-
• Installation and repair should be done by a quali-
fied service person. The appliance should be in-fied service person. The appliance should be in-
fied service person. The appliance should be in-fied service person. The appliance should be in-
fied service person. The appliance should be in-
spected before use and at least annually by a quali-spected before use and at least annually by a quali-
spected before use and at least annually by a quali-spected before use and at least annually by a quali-
spected before use and at least annually by a quali-
fied service person. More frequent cleaning mayfied service person. More frequent cleaning may
fied service person. More frequent cleaning mayfied service person. More frequent cleaning may
fied service person. More frequent cleaning may
be rbe r
be rbe r
be requirequir
equired as necessaryed as necessary
ed as necessaryed as necessary
ed as necessary. It is imper. It is imper
. It is imper. It is imper
. It is imperaa
tive the con-e the con-
e the con-e the con-
e the con-
trol compartment, burners and circulating air pas-trol compartment, burners and circulating air pas-
trol compartment, burners and circulating air pas-trol compartment, burners and circulating air pas-
trol compartment, burners and circulating air pas-
sageways of the appliance be kept clean.sageways of the appliance be kept clean.
sageways of the appliance be kept clean.sageways of the appliance be kept clean.
sageways of the appliance be kept clean.
• I• I
• I• I
• If it is evident there is excessive abrasion or wear ,f it is evident there is excessive abrasion or wear ,
f it is evident there is excessive abrasion or wear ,f it is evident there is excessive abrasion or wear ,
f it is evident there is excessive abrasion or wear ,
or the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to theor the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to the
or the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to theor the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to the
or the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to the
appliance being put into operation.appliance being put into operation.
appliance being put into operation.appliance being put into operation.
appliance being put into operation.
• Children and adults should be alerted to the haz-• Children and adults should be alerted to the haz-
• Children and adults should be alerted to the haz-• Children and adults should be alerted to the haz-
• Children and adults should be alerted to the haz-
ards of high surface temperatures and should stayards of high surface temperatures and should stay
ards of high surface temperatures and should stayards of high surface temperatures and should stay
ards of high surface temperatures and should stay
away to avoid burns or clothing ignition.away to avoid burns or clothing ignition.
away to avoid burns or clothing ignition.away to avoid burns or clothing ignition.
away to avoid burns or clothing ignition.
• Y• Y
• Y• Y
• Young coung c
oung coung c
oung childrhildr
hildren should be caren should be car
en should be caren should be car
en should be carefully superefully super
efully superefully super
efully supervisedvised
when thewhen the
when thewhen the
when they ary ar
y ary ar
y are in the are in the ar
e in the are in the ar
e in the area ofea of
ea ofea of
ea of the a the a
the a the a
the applianceppliance
• Clothing or other flammable materials should not• Clothing or other flammable materials should not
• Clothing or other flammable materials should not• Clothing or other flammable materials should not
• Clothing or other flammable materials should not
be hung from the appliance, or placed on or nearbe hung from the appliance, or placed on or near
be hung from the appliance, or placed on or nearbe hung from the appliance, or placed on or near
be hung from the appliance, or placed on or near
the athe a
the athe a
the applianceppliance
• Any guard or other protective device removed• Any guard or other protective device removed
• Any guard or other protective device removed• Any guard or other protective device removed
• Any guard or other protective device removed
for servicing the appliance must be replaced priorfor servicing the appliance must be replaced prior
for servicing the appliance must be replaced priorfor servicing the appliance must be replaced prior
for servicing the appliance must be replaced prior
to operto oper
to operto oper
to operaa
ating the ating the a
ting the ating the a
ting the applianceppliance
• Inspect the fuel supply connection for signs of• Inspect the fuel supply connection for signs of
• Inspect the fuel supply connection for signs of• Inspect the fuel supply connection for signs of
• Inspect the fuel supply connection for signs of
leakage (including the hose for LP models) beforeleakage (including the hose for LP models) before
leakage (including the hose for LP models) beforeleakage (including the hose for LP models) before
leakage (including the hose for LP models) before
each use ofh use of
h use ofh use of
h use of the a the a
the a the a
the applianceppliance
• The pressure regulator and hose assembly sup-• The pressure regulator and hose assembly sup-
• The pressure regulator and hose assembly sup-• The pressure regulator and hose assembly sup-
• The pressure regulator and hose assembly sup-
plied with LP models must be used. Replacementplied with LP models must be used. Replacement
plied with LP models must be used. Replacementplied with LP models must be used. Replacement
plied with LP models must be used. Replacement
pressure regulators and hose assemblies must bepressure regulators and hose assemblies must be
pressure regulators and hose assemblies must bepressure regulators and hose assemblies must be
pressure regulators and hose assemblies must be
those specified in this manual.those specified in this manual.
those specified in this manual.those specified in this manual.
those specified in this manual.
• The LP gas supply cylinder used with LP models• The LP gas supply cylinder used with LP models
• The LP gas supply cylinder used with LP models• The LP gas supply cylinder used with LP models
• The LP gas supply cylinder used with LP models
must be constructed and marked in accordancemust be constructed and marked in accordance
must be constructed and marked in accordancemust be constructed and marked in accordance
must be constructed and marked in accordance
with the specifications for LP-gas cylinders as re-with the specifications for LP-gas cylinders as re-
with the specifications for LP-gas cylinders as re-with the specifications for LP-gas cylinders as re-
with the specifications for LP-gas cylinders as re-
quired bed b
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(DOT) or the Canadian Transport Commission(DOT) or the Canadian Transport Commission
(DOT) or the Canadian Transport Commission(DOT) or the Canadian Transport Commission
(DOT) or the Canadian Transport Commission
• The LP gas cylinder supply system must be ar-• The LP gas cylinder supply system must be ar-
• The LP gas cylinder supply system must be ar-• The LP gas cylinder supply system must be ar-
• The LP gas cylinder supply system must be ar-
anged fed f
ed fed f
ed for vor v
or vor v
or vaa
apour withdrpour withdr
pour withdrpour withdr
pour withdraa
• The LP-gas cylinder used must include a collar• The LP-gas cylinder used must include a collar
• The LP-gas cylinder used must include a collar• The LP-gas cylinder used must include a collar
• The LP-gas cylinder used must include a collar
to prto pr
to prto pr
to protect the cotect the c
otect the cotect the c
otect the cylinder vylinder v
ylinder vylinder v
ylinder valvalv
• When an LP model is not in use, the LP-gas must• When an LP model is not in use, the LP-gas must
• When an LP model is not in use, the LP-gas must• When an LP model is not in use, the LP-gas must
• When an LP model is not in use, the LP-gas must
be turned ofbe turned of
be turned ofbe turned of
be turned offf
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a a
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t the supply ct the supply c
t the supply cylinderylinder
• T• T
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er it frer it fr
er it from the elements when not in useom the elements when not in use
om the elements when not in useom the elements when not in use
om the elements when not in use..