Assemble raclette, either grill or griddle side up. Turn to
Toss sliced leeks, mushrooms, and thyme with the tablespoon (15 ml) of olive oil and 1⁄4 teaspoon (1 ml) of salt. Place on grill and cook for about
While the vegetables are cooking prepare the Mornay sauce:
In a
2 minutes to eliminate any starchy taste from the flour. Slowly add the milk, whisking the mixture as you pour. Whisk until the mixture becomes smooth. Allow to simmer for about 5 minutes, whisking every so often, until the mixture thickens. Stir in the Gru y è re and whisk so that the cheese is entirely melted. Stir in 1⁄8 teaspoon (0.5 ml) salt, 1⁄8 teaspoon (0.5 ml) pepper, and nutmeg. Leave on the lowest setting until used.
Blot the scallops with a paper towel to dry, sprinkle both sides with the remaining salt and freshly ground pepper. Place the scallops on the grill and cook for about
For small scallops the total cooking time is
In a raclette dish, place 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of the leek and mushro o m m i x t u re. Add one to two scallops depending on their size. With a spoon, coat the tops of the scallops and some of the vegetables with the sauce (whisk the sauce again before using). Place dish under the grill and leave for about
eat immediately.
Note: The recipe for the Mornay sauce may be more than you need for this dish. However, it is delicious served with grilled chicken, sausages, bread, and vegetables, especially potatoes.
The following recipes are merely a sampling of ideas you can use as a foundation for a tapas party. Recommended side dishes to serve with tapas are olives, roasted almonds, and plenty of crusty bread. Serve sangria, sherry, or lager as a beverage.
S e rves 4
1tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil
1⁄2teaspoon (2 ml) salt
12ounces (375 g) asparagus, approximately one bunch, hard end removed
12 slices of prosciutto
1⁄2pound (250 g) fontina or raclette cheese, sliced
Assemble raclette, grill side up. Turn to
In a mixing bowl, toss the asparagus with the olive oil and salt.
Spread asparagus on grill and cook for about
Place a slice of prosciutto in a raclette dish, top with
S e rve as is or on a slice of grilled bre a d .