The single most important thing you must do is tell the 8718B meter which probe you are using.
Entering the Probe Model
Narda's 8700 Series system is completely modular — all 8700 series meters work with all 8700 series probes. The single most important thing you must do is tell the 8718B meter which probe you are using.
The Model 8718B has the basic characteristics of every 8700 Series probe stored in its internal memory. All you have to do is select the correct model number and the meter automatically sets the correct scales.
The Model 8718B can also store the specific calibration details for up to six probes. This includes the probe serial number, calibration date, and the calibration factors marked on the handle of the probe. Probes with this additional detail stored in the meter are referred to as probes in memory.
Putting probes into memory has several advantages:
•It makes it easier to select a probe
•Data that is downloaded after using a data logging mode will include a record of the probe’s calibration date and its serial number.
•It makes using frequency correction much easier.
Probes are put into the meter’s memory using a personal computer:
•By Narda on the day of shipment for all probes shipped at the same time as the meter.
•By you at any time when you use the User's Software supplied by Narda and a personal computer. Refer to Chapter 18, User's Software for detailed information regarding computer operations.
14 | Operating the Meter |