11 Using The RF Exposure

Standards Feature


The Model 8718B Meter is always set to reference a particular safety standard, regulation, or guidance.

The 8718B uses the referenced standard in two ways:

The Alternate Measurement Display Screen displays additional information about the instantaneous measurement at a particular frequency. See Alternate Measurement Display Screen on page 20.

Time-averaged measurements are made to conform to the referenced standard at the specified frequency.

Checking or Changing the Standard

To determine which standard the 8718B is currently set to

reference ...

1.Access the menu system by pressing the function key that corresponds to the legend below MENU on the bottom line of the display.

2.Press number 8 (NEXT) to select the Second Menu Screen.

3.Press number 6 to select STNDS.

4.A screen will appear that specifies the current standard. The specific level or tier will be specified for standards with more than a single tier.

Chapter 11 Using the RF Exposure Standards Feature