Chapter 2 Function Reference — CTR_Config
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-90
National Instruments Corporation
status = CTR_Config (deviceNumber, ctr, edgeMode, gateMode, outType, outPolarity)
Specifies the counting configuration to use for a counter.
Parameter Discussion
ctr is the counter number.
Range: 1, 2, or 5 for an MIO device except the E Series devices.
1 through 10 for a PC-TIO-10.
edgeMode indicates which edge of the input signal that the counter should count. edgeMode
must be either 0 or 1.
0: counter counts rising edges.
1: counter counts falling edges.
gateMode selects the gating mode to be used by the counter. There are eight different gating
modes. Each gating mode has been assigned a number between zero and 7. The available
gating modes are as follows:
0: No gating used.
1: High-level gating of counter ctr used.
2: Low-level gating of counter ctr used.
3: Edge-triggere d gating used—rising edge of counter ctr.
4: Edge-triggered gating used—falling edge of counter ctr.
5: Active high on terminal count of next lower-order counter.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
ctr i16 counter number
edgeMode i16 count rising or falling edges
gateMode i16 gating mode to be used
outType i16 type of output generated
outPolarity i16 output polarity