National Instruments Corporation G-5 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles)
drivers software that controls a specific hardware device such as a DAQ board or
a GPIB interface board
DSP digital signal processing
EEPROM electronically erasable programmable read-only memory
EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture
ETS Equivalent Time Sampling
fetch-and-deposit a data transfer in which the data bytes are transferred from the source to the
controller, and then from the controller to the target
FIFO first-in first-out memory buffer—the first data stored is the first data sent
tothe acceptor. FIFOs are often used on DAQ devices to temporarily store
incoming or outgoing data until that data can be retrieved or output. For
example, an analog input FIFO stores the results of A/D conversions until
the data can be retrieved into system memory, a process that requires the
servicing of interrupts and often the programming of the DMA controller.
This process can take several milliseconds in some cases. During this time,
data accumulates in the FIFO for future retrieval. With a larger FIFO,
longer latencies can be tolerated. In the case of analog output, a FIFO
permits faster update rates, because the waveform data can be stored on the
FIFO ahead of time. This again reduces the effect of latencies associated
with getting the data from system memory to the DAQ device.
filtering a type of signal conditioning that allows you to filter unwanted signals from
the signal you are trying to measure
ft feet
h hour